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Brookside Students Team Up with Baldwin High School Math Wizards on an Arithmetic Adventure

Brookside Students Team Up with Baldwin High School Math Wizards on an Arithmetic Adventure

A picture is worth a thousand words. Or to Baldwin elementary students, maybe 1000 meters?

Earlier in the school year, Brookside Elementary School second graders initiated “Mad Meter Day!” The idea for this special celebration of measurement was sparked by their fascination with the new district website, particularly the image of the high school’s new track and field displayed on the homepage. Second grader, Jamie Johnson, couldn’t help but wonder just how long that Baldwin Bruin logo sprawled across the turf!

With support from high school teachers, Mrs. Miguelina Ortiz, Mrs. Rina Adams, the Algebra II Honors class, and of course, their second grade teachers, Kristin Maldonado, Lauren Maywald, and Morgan Maus, the young ‘mathematicians’ headed to Baldwin High School’s field for an innovative “Leaving2Learn” excursion. There, they ‘tackled’ not football players but three math challenges. The second graders were expected to estimate and measure the length of the Bruin bear in the middle of the field, the length of the endzone, and also predict and measure a 20-meter dash with Baldwin High School students.

Additionally, the unique learning experience allowed the high school math students to collaborate with the Brookside students on a memorable lesson. Together, they determined the end zone spans 24 meters and the Baldwin Bruin measures 48 meters. After measuring the distance of 20 meters along the track, the young learners raced the high school students—fair and ‘square’! 

Mr. Vinny Leis, high school drone teacher, helped take the experience one step further by also capturing the class activity on a drone.

“Math activities like this one, that is inquiry based and driven by student curiosity, just makes the learning about measurement that much more meaningful and engaging,” said Ms. Maywald.

The Brookside students applied their newly acquired measurement skills in an amusing and practical manner, resulting in an even richer learning experience. The students and staff of the elementary and high schools really went the ‘extra mile’ to satisfy second grader, Jamie Johnson’s curiosity. It worked. 

See related in the Baldwin Herald>>